About us

Brook Serene is a discerning curator of authentically local boutique hotels in New Zealand. Incorporated in 1987 Brook Serene & Company Ltd currently operates 3 award-winning hotels within New Zealand.

Your unique property | Our unique approach

Our approach is to work with likeminded partners who share a desire to do things with compassion, intent and a close eye on the bigger picture. Always. With all the boutique hotels we work with, community is at the heart of everything we do. We care, we contribute and we understand that there is a particular approach required to develop something profitable, sustainable and extraordinary. We are with you for the now and for the journey.

We add value to local communities through our boutique hotel management expertise.

Core Values

Our values are central to our approach, and we seek to work with partners who too share these values.

Integrity - we do what we say
Respect - we treat people as they wish to be treated
Sustainability – financial and environmental 
Innovation - we embrace diversity, change and improvement
Excellence – we have a passion and desire for excellence in all aspects of our operations


What you can expect

When we say we have an eye on the bigger picture, we mean that we go beyond cultivating profitable hotels. 

Our goals for you are far loftier and we are confident with what we can achieve.

  • Brands with character and grace
  • Unique and memorable guest experiences
  • Pride of place and sense of community
  • High employee wellbeing and satisfaction